Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023!

Answered by founder Nora Hameidani

The holiday season brings with it a lot of indulgent food, drinks, and celebrations. As a trainer, what is your advice for winding down and recovering from the holiday season?

I always say to set small, realistic goals because if they are too drastic you are less likely to succeed. For example, if you haven’t worked out for a few weeks, start with working out a few times a week rather than every day that way you won’t get put off when it all feels too much. And then try to keep it fun-  this might mean working out with a friend, or doing a type of exercise you really enjoy. You also cannot underestimate the power of getting adequate rest and recovering properly. Prioritise sleep and commit to healthy sleep routines. And finally, drink a lot of water. This is an easy way to get your body working at its best. Many of us do not drink enough anyway, and then we lose more during exercise. This will keep our bodies, minds, skin – pretty much everything – happier!

What are some healthy ways to detox?

Detoxing does not need to be as drastic as it sounds. We can cut out little bad habits and feel better immediately. This might mean reducing sugary drinks like juice and swapping for water, and swapping caffeine for herbal teas. Many of us drink tea and coffee multiple times a day without considering that caffeine is a powerful drug that alters the body. It is interesting to see how you feel when you start to cut it out. We should also try to eat clean foods – by that I mean non-processed, fresh food and plenty of fruit and veg, but at the same time do not completely deprive yourself – just make healthy choices where you can. It is easier to keep up this way.

When we talk about health we should also be thinking about our behaviours as well as what we eat and drink. Reducing screen time and swapping it for reading or meditation can really help settle the mind as well as aid better sleep. I try to read in the evenings rather than look at my phone.

And then exercise – it should be scheduled and incorporated regularly into your routine like you would a meeting. Much of it is mindset – prioritise it like you do so many other things and watch it become a part of your life that you just ‘do’.

And finally – spend as much time outside as you can. This time of year is perfect for beach days, mountain hikes, outdoor runs, or just a day in the park.

What is your advice for sticking to and achieving new years' resolutions?

Make your goals small and measurable and share them with a close friend or family member to help keep you accountable.

I am a visual person so I find that writing them down in a place I see them often is an extra layer of commitment and a daily reminder. Stick them on your fridge or on your nightstand!

What are your own goals for 2023?

Like many of us, I am trying to spend less time on unnecessary social media - less random scrolling and flicking through stories. I am also trying to read more and have committed to one book a month. Then alongside barre I want to practice more yoga, with the goal of at least one session per week. And finally – to take my own advice and drink at least two litres of water a day!

