Remembering your “why” for excerise

Answered by founder Nora Hameidani

How do you define your “why” of wanting to exercise?

  • Exercise helps me to feel energized- sweating/endorphins is a natural way to gain energy 

  • Helps to improve mood

  • Moving meditation.  You have to focus on form and be present to do the technique properly, so it gives you an hour break from your day.

  • I find it fun! The music, the energy in the room.  BE is a warm, inviting environment where the clients have come to know each other so fun to see your peers and motivate one another to work hard together. 

How do you get motivated to begin?

  • Having a goal in mind, whether to be stronger, healthier, leaner, or all! When you keep your goals in mind it motivates you to get going.

  • I don’t give myself an option! Even if I’m tired or not feeling motivated to, I know I will feel better afterwards.

  • Our energy/mood is different every day, come in and do your best. Know that any kind of movement is better than nothing… Better than not showing up! 

What advice can you give to help people stick to a routine?

  • Will feel forced and like work in the beginning, but once you are in that routine you will be so glad you did. 

  • Schedule it like a meeting, not canceling unless there is an emergency or really must. 

  • Make sure it is convenient for you, both timing and location. Then you are less likely to have an excuse to skip it.

  • Workout with a buddy and hold each other accountable to show up

Can you share some tips around ‘beginning small, and staying motivated’?

  • Try to be realistic- if you are new to exercise then create a plan you are likely to stick to… several days back to back might be too much, so start with a gradual schedule. 

  • Try not to compare yourself to others, everyone has their own journey.  

  • Pick a type of exercise that you enjoy, and if you’re not sure what that is then try different things.  You are more likely to stick to it if you find it fun.


